March 22, 2023

Puppy Loving: 5 Signs of Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Do you suspect your dog has been acting strange when you're not around? Do you come back to a house in disarray after leaving for the day? Your dog could be dealing with separation anxiety.

Puppy Loving: 5 Signs of Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Do you suspect your dog has been acting strange when you're not around? Do you come back to a house in disarray after leaving for the day? Your dog could be dealing with separation anxiety. If your dog struggles with his or her house manners, it could also be a sign of distress. Many dogs become upset when they’re separated from their human parents and oftentimes act up in response to being left alone. Here are 5 signs of separation anxiety in dogs:

1. Pacing

If you have a security camera in your house and see that your dog can’t sit still when you’re gone, he or she could be suffering from separation anxiety. Some dogs will walk in a specific pattern or with a certain cadence when separated from their guardian. Some will walk in circular patterns, others back and forth or even in straight lines. This type of behavior typically doesn’t occur when your dog is around you.

2. Destruction

Some dogs who suffer from separation anxiety will spend part of their time chewing on household objects, window sills, doors and furniture. Others will let out their anxiety by constant digging when outside. If this type of destruction doesn’t happen when you’re around your pet and only when you’re gone, it could be one of the signs of separation anxiety in dogs. Destruction from dogs poses dangers as your pet could easily injure itself by breaking nails, scrapping of paws and even the chipping of teeth.

3. Escaping

Just like humans, when dogs feel stuck, they will sometimes attempt to flee! The last thing you need is your dog hopping over the back fence and getting into hijinx while you’re gone. Another one of the many signs of separation anxiety in dogs is the want or even ability to escape. Your dog may try to dig holes under fences or claw its way out of its crate or your back door. Again, this is another behavior that usually only occurs when your dog is separated from its guardian.

4. Urinating, Defecating and/or Coprophagia

This one is common among signs of separation anxiety in dogs. If you often come home to a mess left by your dog, he or she could have separation anxiety. Dogs will urinate or even defecate when left alone as they become nervous and worried about when you’ll return. Another sign is coprophagia, which occurs when your dog defecates and then consumes some or all of the waste.

5. Barking or Whining

Sure, dogs don’t “talk” in the traditional sense, but they surely do more than enough to effectively communicate with their human best friends! A dog who is suffering from separation anxiety may bark, whine or even howl when left alone as you leave the house to go to work or run errands. If your dog rarely barks when you’re around but does when you leave out the door, he or she is likely suffering from separation anxiety.

These signs of separation anxiety in dogs aren’t to be ignored! Waters Wellness Compounding Pharmacy specializes in Veterinary Compounding, so we can create a medication that best provides relief from the anxiety your dog is experiencing!